Topographic Profiles

Resource Information

Response Formats
JSON, Texto
Limited ratio

API of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Gipuzkoa to obtain topographic profiles with altimetric data.

Request parameters

Parameter Description Default Required
coors Pair of coordinates for a given route, in order to provide its profile. The maximum number of pairs of coordinates is 20; use the comma as the separator among coordinates. - Yes
srs Spatial coordinate reference system (SRS), expressed in the EPSG code. If not specified, the system detects it. Supported SRS are EPSG:4326, EPSG:25830, and EPSG:3857. No, the system detects it No
precision Accuracy of the request (from 1 to 5). The higher that value, the less accurate it will be, but the response will be faster. 1 No
format Format of the response. It should be: json, xml or php. json No


1. Calculation of the topographic profile taking into account the line drawn between three coordinates, in the spatial reference system EPSG:25830,4780573,568620,4780325,568986,4780531&srs=epsg:25830&format=json
2. Calculation of the topographic profile taking into account the line drawn between eight coordinates, in the spatial reference system EPSG:4326,43.22950,-2.40086,43.20498,-2.35691,43.19046,-2.33288,43.16733,-2.34592,43.14028,-2.39056,43.12274,-2.34661,43.09316,-2.29511,43.12324&srs=epsg:4326&format=json


Field Description
info Information about the API: license, metadata, response time, messages, etc.
coordinates Coordinate request received.
srs Spatial reference system in which the calculation was performed.
precision Detail of the request (from 1 to 5), as explained above.
summary Topographic profile summary: profile distance, elevation high, elevation low, average elevation, total elevation gain, total elevation loss and average percentage elevation.
elevationProfile Data to make the topographic profile.
distance Distance in metres for the route of the topographic profile (starting from zero value).
height Altitude of the route of the topographic profile in metres.

Warning: If there is no altitude data, the altitude value will be represented with the value -9999. In that case, the value of the statuscode parameter will be ¿1¿, and you will see this note: ¿Warning: there are cases out of our range (Gipuzkoa: where no height data exists, and the resulting height value is -9999¿.

Service limit: A maximum of twenty pairs of coordinates will be calculated.