Distance between municipalities
The distance between municipalities allows to obtain objective data that can be used in the calculation of mileage.
This tool allows you to obtain the distance between municipalities. This distance is the fastest road route between the town halls. The calculation is between the municipalities of Gipuzkoa or between the municipalities of Gipuzkoa and those of the four adjacent administrative regions.
Note: The four adjacent administrative regions of Gipuzkoa are the adjacent regions, i.e. Araba/Álava, Bizkaia, Navarre and Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
Distances are calculated with the routing engine of the OSRM project, which uses the data of the OpenStreetMap collaborative initiative. The last calculation of the distances is from August 8, 2024 and 180,488 distances have been calculated.
Warning: The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa does not guarantee the absence of errors in these calculations.