Geodetic Benchmarks

Resource Information

Response Formats
Limited ratio

API for the geodesic signals in Gipuzkoa. You can use it to consult or obtain geodesic references of the geodesic infrastructure of Gipuzkoa.

Request parameters

Parameter Description Default Required
city Name of the municipality or code of the municipality. - No
q Name of the geodesic signal to search for. If we put the wildcard character asterisk (*) all the names will appear. - No
lang Language. Three are available: eu, es and en. Default, eu. eu No
limit Number of search responses. 1000000 No
type The search will be performed by specifying the object type. There are two types: Geodetic Benchmark and Geodetic Adjustment. Both of them No
viewbox Narrow the search within a geographic window. Parameter format: [minimum_longitude,minimum_latitude,maximum_longitude,maximum_latitude], in the EPSG:4326 coordinate system. The decimal separator must be period. - No
pt If we use the geographical window, we have the possibility to start the search from a central point. In such case, the result will be sorted by distance to the centre. Parameter format: [longitude,latitude], in the EPSG:4326 coordinate system. - No
b5m_id Search using the b5m code. - No
nor Normalized classification of the result, in percentage. Options: [0|1]. 0 No
format Format of the response. It should be: json, xml or php. json No


1. Search by municipality with code 016
2. Search by the municipality of Eskoriatza
3. Search using the geodesic signal called ezko-1
4. Eskoriatza geodetic adjustment documents
5. Search using a geographic window*&viewbox=-1.84,43.31,-1.74,43.38&lang=en
6. Search using a geographic window and a point*&viewbox=-1.84,43.31,-1.74,43.38&pt=-1.7599,43.3426&lang=en


Field Description
boundingbox Location of the geographical set of the geodesic signal (minimum bounding box).
link Link to the geodetic benchmark review document.
size_kb Size of the geodetic benchmark document (Kb).
file_type Document type of the geodetic benchmark.
importance Importance of the item in the search. It is a number; and the larger it is, the more important the item will be.
distance Distance to the geodetic benchmark if the point of origin has been indicated (parameter pt). In kilometres.
b5m_id b5m code of the geodetic benchmark.
city Name of the municipality where the geodetic benchmark is located.
lon Longitude of the location of the geodetic benchmark.
lat Latitude of the location of the geodetic benchmark.
map_link URL to see the geodetic benchmark on the b5m map.