Distance between Municipalities

Resource Information

Response Formats
Limited ratio

The objective of this API is to consult the distances and routes between municipalities. These itineraries are the fastest routes that can be done by road between the town halls of each municipality. For the calculation of the distances between municipalities, three types of situations have been considered:

1. Gipuzkoa - Gipuzkoa

From any municipality in Gipuzkoa, to any other municipality in Gipuzkoa.

2. Gipuzkoa - Adjacent region

Starting from any municipality of Gipuzkoa, and reaching any municipality of a region adjacent to Gipuzkoa.

3. Adjacent region - Gipuzkoa

Starting from any municipality in a region adjacent to Gipuzkoa, and reaching any municipality in Gipuzkoa.

Note: The four adjacent administrative regions of Gipuzkoa are the adjacent regions, i.e. Araba/Álava, Bizkaia, Navarre and Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

There are three types of requests for API execution: region, municipality and route. The type of request will be indicated by the type parameter.

1. Region

Request to display the list of regions. The region that is not Gipuzkoa will be considered an adjacent region.

Request parameters

Parameter Description Default Required
type Type of request. In this case: region - Yes
lang Language. Three are available: eu, es and en. Default, eu. eu No
region Name or code of the region (GFA_codregion). - No
sort Order of response: region (by default) or code region No
format Format of the response. It should be: json, xml or php. json No


1.1. List of supported regions
1.2. Selection of a region (Gipuzkoa) by name and code


Field Description
GFA_codregion Region code.
region Name of the region.

2. Municipality

Request to obtain the names and codes of the municipalities.

Request parameters

Parameter Description Default Required
type Type of request. In this case: municipality - Yes
lang Language. Three are available: eu, es and en. Default, eu. eu No
municipality Name or code of the municipality. - No
region Name or code of the region (to get the code see section 1). - No
sort Order of the response: municipality (ordered by municipalities) or region (ordered by regions). region No
format Format of the response. It should be: json, xml or php. json No


2.1. List of all municipalities, ordered by region
2.2. List of the municpalities of Gipuzkoa
2.3. List of municipalities that begin with the text ¿irun¿, ordered by municipality


Field Description
GFA_codmunicipality Municipality code.
municipality Municipality name.
GFA_codregion Region code.
region Region name.

3. Route

Request for the route and distance between municipalities.

Request parameters

Parameter Description Default Required
type Type of request. In this case: route - Yes
lang Language. Three are available: eu, es and en. Default, eu. eu No
municipality1 Name or code of the municipality of origin of the route (see section 2 to obtain the code). - Yes
municipality2 Name or code of the municipality of destination of the route (see section 2 to obtain the code). - Yes
region1 Name or code of the region of origin of the route (see section 1 to obtain the code). - No
region2 Name or code of the region of destination of the route (see section 1 to obtain the code). - No
sort Order of the response: The combination of the first four fields separated by commas is supported. For example: municipality1, region1 (to sort by municipalities and territories of origin). - No
format Format of the response. It should be: json, xml or php. json No

Note: For a more accurate answer we recommend using the code in the following parameters: municipality1, municipality2, region1 and region2.


3.1. Distance and route between two municipalities, using municipality codes
3.2. From a municipality of Gipuzkoa, list of distances and routes to the rest of the municipalities of Gipuzkoa
3.3. From a municipality of Gipuzkoa, list of distances and routes to the municipalities of Bizkaia (using names)
3.4. From a municipality in an adjacent region, list of distances and routes to the municipalities of Gipuzkoa (using names)
3.5. From all the municipalities of the adjoining territory of Araba/Álava, list of distances and routes to the municipalities of Gipuzkoa (using names)


Field Description
b5mcode b5m code of the route.
map_link Link to see the map of the route.
GFA_codmunicipality1 Code of the municipality of departure.
municipality1 Name of the municipality of departure.
GFA_codregion1 Code of the region of departure.
region1 Name of the region of departure.
GFA_codmunicipality2 Code of the municipality of arrival.
municipality2 Name of the municipality of arrival.
GFA_codregion2 Code of the region of arrival.
region2 Name of the region of arrival.
distance Distance of the route (kilometres).
date Date of route calculation (YYYY-MM-DD).

Route calculation

Calculations of the routes made with the analytical engine of the OSRM project, which uses the data of the OpenStreetMap collaborative initiative.

Warning: The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa does not guarantee the absence of errors in these calculations.