Standard (ISO 19128) of the OGC (Open Geoespatial Consortium).
It produces spatial data maps, in a dynamic manner, from the spatial information stored in the Gipuzkoa Spatial Data Infrastructure. This standard defines the map as a representation of the geographical information in a standard image format (PNG, GIF, JPEG, etc.).
You can use these services to see the maps and orthophotos of Gipuzkoa in your viewer or in your GIS program.
The links to the Gipuzkoa SDI WMS Services are:
1:2 000 Scale Urban Orthophotos
The WMS service defines three operations invoked by means of petitions in URL (Uniform Resource Locator) form:
- 1. GetCapabilities: this provides, in XML format, metadata on the spatial objects to serve.
- 2. GetMap: this provides a geographically-referenced map in the form of a digital image.
- 3. GetFeatureInfo: this provides information on the particular characteristics shown in the map.
An example of a GetMap-type petition for the maps Web Map Service of the Gipuzkoa Spatial Data Infrastructure is:
Here the parameters are:
- styles: styles of visualisation (not yet supported).
- crs: spatial reference system to which the map is to be projected; it is in EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset format.
- bbox: corners of the window in the units defined in the previous section.
- width: width in pixels of the picture to be served.
- height: height in pixels of the picture to be served.
- format: outcoming format of the picture.
An example of a GetFeatureInfo-type petition for the maps Web Map Service of the Gipuzkoa Spatial Data Infrastructure is:
Here the parameters are:
- service: type of service required.
- version: version of the Web Map Service (defined in the GetCapabilities petition).
- request: type of petition.
- layers: layer or layers implied in the information request (separated by commas).
- query_layers: same as in the previous section (it is necessary to repeat the same information as in layers).
- info_format: outcoming format of the request (this can be application/vnd.ogc, gml, MIME, or text/html).
- crs: spatial reference system to which the map is to be projected; it is in EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset format.
- bbox: corners of the window in the units defined in the previous section.
- width: width in pixels of the picture to be served.
- height: height in pixels of the picture to be served.
- x: the X coordinate of the element in pixels (measured from the upper left hand corner of the map image).
- y: the Y coordinate of the element in pixels (measured from the upper left hand corner of the map image).
For more information, see: