INSPIRE Services

Resource Information

Response Formats
Limited ratio

This API puts at your fingertips the geographical services offered by the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Gipuzkoa on the European directive INSPIRE.

With this API we made the INSPIRE services webpage of our website.

The conditions of use of the INSPIRE services are on our legal information page.

Request parameters

Parameter Description Default Required
q The name of the INSPIRE service you want to search (if not specified, the full inventory will be displayed). The search engine is smart, there is no need to enter the exact name. It can also be searched by the id_inspire code. - No
lang Language. Three are available: eu, es and en. Default, eu. eu No
sort Sorting. It is the classification of services by data fields. Fields should be separated by commas. The allowed fields are: id_inspire, order, name, description and author. - No
order Sort order: asc (ascending), desc (descending). - No
format Format of the response. It should be: json, xml or php. json No


1. Complete inventory of the INSPIRE services
2. Complete inventory of the INSPIRE services; in English and classified by name
3. Complete inventory of the INSPIRE services; in Spanish, classified by name and in descending order
4. Services containing the word katas (Katastro means Cadastre in Basque)
5. Services containing the word catas (Catastro means Cadastre in Spanish)
6. Search by id_inspire code


Field Description
id_inspire Our INSPIRE service identification code.
order Sorting order of the INSPIRE services we have proposed.
name The name of the INSPIRE service.
description Description of the service.
author Author of the service.
legal_info_link Legal information for the use of the service.
metadata_link Service metadata.
services Dependent services available in an INSPIRE service.
id_service Identification code of the dependent service.
service_type Service type.
service_link Service link.
service_metadata_link Service metadata link.