ETRS89 coordinates (ETRF2000), 2010.0 epoch
- X
- 4657557.7607
- Y
- -202242.0120
- Z
- 4338991.4764
UTM Zone 30N
Nevada Geodetic Laboratory , Serie temporal semanales ARA , EPN DensificationRinex data
- RINEX3 files in crinex format compressed to gz.
- 30 second daily Rinex in the Year directory, and 1 second hourly Rinex in the Day of the Year directory. There are also files fragmented by hours, according to the UTC time base.
- RINEX v3.x file format:
Example: PASA01ESP_R_20191180000_01D_30S_MO.crx.gz
XXXXMRCCC: Station Name (XXXX), Monument number (M), Receiver number (R) and country ISO code (CCC).
S: Data source (Receiver, Streaming, etc.) for the generation of observations.
YYYYDDDHHMM: Data start time (YYYY: year; DDD: day of the year; HH: hour; MM: minute).
PPU: Duration of the data (PP) and units (U) (minutes, hours, days, years, etc.) of the file.
DDU: Recording frequency (DD) and units (U) (seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc.) of the file.
TT: Type of data (Mixed Observations (OM), Meteorological (MM), etc.) of the file.
FFF: File Format (RINEX: rnx, Hatanaka: crx, etc.).
CCC: File Compression (gz, zip, etc.). - Transformation of RINEX v3 files to RINEX v2:
1) Uncompress the *gz file, using any standard compression/decompression software (gzip, winzip, 7-zip, etc.)
2) Decompress the file with Hatanaka compression *.crx, using “CRX2RNX” software, obtaining a *.rnx file as a result. It can be downloaded from the link: .
3) Convert RNX3 file to RNX2, using the "GFZRNX" software, which can be downloaded from the following link:
All these steps can be done by downloading this file from ItaCyL from the link: , which unzips the indicated programs into a "RINEX3-RINEX2" directory and a "RINEX3-RINEX2.bat" file that, when executed, transform all the files that we copy in that folder, to Rinex v2.11.
Rinex data quality control
NEU speeds (IGS14 frame)
X | Y | Z |
-0.01044 m/a | 0.01952 m/a | 0.01210 m/a |